DG's Farewell Speech to the Cabinet

As the fiscal year 1997-1998 comes to an end, I have been giving this serious thoughts and consideration as to how I can best describe my feelings and my gratitude towards many of you who have supported me so much over the years and especially in the last one year which I have fulfilled a dream of my life.

Ever since I joined the Lions family so many years ago, I wanted to be part of this useful family, and yet I have tried to be more innovative in the ways I can make contributions to society. I have inspired myself to be a district governor one day and this dream has been fulfilled. 

The last year has been one which will be the most exciting and rewarding years of my life. My wife and I traveled within Malaysia and to foreign countries including the USA, to see for ourselves what we can do for our country and community and to provide the necessary notoriety and recognition for members in other countries that we Malaysian are one of the best people and organization in the world.

In the last decade, the worldwide Lions Club has grown not in size but in quantity. As I know there are 1.4 million Lions in 43,792 clubs in 735 districts in 185 countries and geographical locations. We are part of this giant organization united to serve humanity in the ways we know best. It is unfortunate to see the sufferings and difficulties in many nations and Lions spirits are making the difference with our members. I can assure you that Malaysia is doing well, if not better than most of the clubs in other countries considering we are a relatively small nation faced with an economic crisis at hand.  

This brings me to the point that you (cabinet officers)  are accountable for these great achievements even under tough times.  Only people with great hearts, strengths, and characters will further their cause of helping the community where we live and prosper.  Let me congratulate you on that.

I  want to encourage all of you to have a dream, like I had, to be a DG if you have the passion to do so. It is rewarding and exciting and I will treasure the memory for the rest of my life.

Once again, thank you very much for your support and services. I will always remember all of you.

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